
Showing posts from July, 2022

Why Should I Sign A Sole Mandate?

  Many homeowners feel that if they let multiple agencies market their home, they will increase their reach to potential buyers which will enable them to  sell their home  quicker. The truth is that it is often far more effective to sign a sole mandate and allow one agent the space to secure the best sale. In real estate, we know that too many cooks spoil the broth. If you’re a first-time seller, the terms ‘sole mandate’ and ‘open mandate’ have most likely come up in the early stages of the home selling journey and may have caused some uncertainty. For those who are struggling to decide what’s best for them, below are the differences between sole versus open mandates: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOLE AND OPEN MANDATES: What is a sole mandate? A sole mandate is an exclusive contract that stipulates an allotted timeframe during which you may not appoint another agent to market your property. “You can appoint another agent only once the sole mandate has elapsed. What is an open mandate? If you