Tips to Help Sell a Home in Autumn

Thinking of selling your home this autumn? 

It’s a great time of year to do so, with lots of potential buyers longing to be in their new home by Christmas and eager to get the deal done.


Go for an autumnal interior

Autumn is a time for snuggling up and keeping warm, so reflecting this in your home could pass some seriously strong subliminal messages to potential buyers when they cross the threshold to view your property. There’s no need to go crazy here, but a few seasonal hints can make a big difference to the feel of a home.
Take nature’s lead and bring in some autumnal colours such as deep reds, greens, and browns. Just a few new cushions in these tones can transform a room and won’t cost the earth, either.

We watch leaves explode in vibrant colors as For Sale signs pop up in yards in parts of the country with four seasons.

Even though 44% of recent buyers first looked online when shopping for a new home, "for sale" signs are still a popular form of advertising.1

In some markets, buyers drive by a home, spot a "for sale" sign, and slam on the brakes. The question isn't whether you should have a sign in the yard—unless you want to keep secret the fact that your home is for sale—and some sellers do. It's whether the "for sale" sign will generate an inquiry about your home.

Most sellers expect buyers to call for more information. If you are selling the home yourself, a sign can encourage a buyer to immediately call. If you have hired a real estate agent to list your home, then the phone calls will go to your listing agent. A phone call is an excellent opportunity to discuss all of the wonderful features of your home, sometimes not readily apparent from the curb.

 People are happy and relaxed as the temperature begins to drop. It's not just sweater weather that creates static electricity in autumn.

  • Selling a house in autumn requires some special touches to make the home attractive.
  • A clean yard with popular autumn flowers and spotless windows can make your house stand out.
  • New air filters, a fireplace without ashes, and fall treats help the interior of your home feel clean and welcoming.
  • The right music and colors can create a fall ambiance that makes your home warm and inviting.

Clean Up the Yard

You'll want to ensure that your front lawn looks neat and tidy when potential buyers arrive at showings. Create a to-do list and send the whole family to work outside.

Rake up dead leaves and debris from your lawn. Don't let overgrown vegetation block the windows or the path to the entrance. Cutting bushes and tree limbs back will let the sun inside and showcase the exterior of your home. Cutaway summer vines and cut down dead flowers. Make the most of the autumn weather in the fall real estate market.

Clean Out the Fireplace

Nothing smells of autumn quite like smoke from a wood-burning fireplace. Unfortunately, burning wood indoors or outdoors is outlawed in some parts of the country. You can light your gas fireplace when buyers come through if you have one. Vacuum the fireplace and wash it down if it's filled with cobwebs because it hasn't been used for months.

Some ​home stagers arrange knick knacks in the fireplace in place of wood logs.

About Those Bathrooms

Take a quick peek in your bathrooms prior to hosting a showing. You're going to want to give the whole bathroom a good cleaning before inviting prospective buyers if there are mildew marks in the bath or shower. Buyers are especially tuned in to how problematic mildew and mold can be in older bathrooms.

Set the Mood With Music/ Autumn Edibles

Speaking of autumn scents, you might want to set out freshly baked pumpkin cupcakes or simmer some hot apple cider on the stove. Put a tray of cinnamon sticks on the counter, dotted with whole cloves. Prop open a cookbook to an autumn stew recipe. Fill a bowl with crisp red apples.

There you go, some actionable tips to help sell your home this autumn. If you’re looking to buy or sell i before Christmas rocks around again, give us a call. Our friendly team are always happy to discuss anything property related, so feel free to get in touch.


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