Real Estate Photography Tips for Home Sellers


Tips for taking photos that will get your home SOLD

When it comes to selling your home, you will find that home staging photography plays a big role. Not only does it make your house look appealing for potential buyers, it also sets your home apart from others on the market.

In today’s online world, your home’s photos are your first impression, and they’re the best way to pique a buyer’s interest to have them come see your listing in person.

Your home’s online listing isn’t the only place your photos will come in handy. They’ll make your home look great wherever it’s advertised: in signage, open house flyers, social media posts where friends and family share your listing, and when your agent shares the listing with other agents in their network — all of which are places today’s buyers are looking. 

This, of course, means that photography is key when selling your home. Therefore, you need to make sure that the photos and videos you post are attractive and charming. You should post images that best represent your home and capture its soul. So here are some home staging photography tips that will help you sell your home faster and for a better price.

Prepare the home's exterior

  • Ideally exterior shots should be taken in bright daylight, when budding flowers and trees display an intensity of colour.
  • Tidy up the grounds and ensure the swimming pool is clean and sparkly.
  • Remove cars, dustbins and other eyesores.
  • Repaint the front door, if it requires it, and polish up any wood features.
  • The best time to take exterior pix, is after midday, when the light is less fierce. However look for when the light is the softest on the house as it removes sharp edges. Sunset’s also give a beautiful effect, especially if you can activate outdoor lights at the same time.
  • Look for creative opportunities but do keep the horizontal and vertical lines straight.
  • Photograph any architectural features that are unusual; these may be key selling points.
  • Watch for bad reflections in windows and glass, particularly those that feature you taking the photograph.
  • Pets enjoying the outdoor space can add an element of interest.
  • Photograph both front and back, sides and landscaping if possible. Also any other outdoor buildings such as a separate garage or cottage.
  • Do not include ‘people’ in the photographs.  

Prepare the house for real estate photography 

  • Clean the house: Do a deep clean of every room in the house, either by bringing in a professional cleaning service or dedicating a weekend to doing it yourself. Wash the windows (inside and outside), make the beds, dust, vacuum, and get those fingerprints off your stainless steel appliances.
  • Declutter: There’s nothing worse in real estate pictures than clutter. Clear the kitchen counters of small appliances, tuck away bathroom items like toothbrushes and combs, remove any eyesore cords or wires, put your TV remotes in a cabinet, and finally go through that stack of mail. Remember, if you’re going to be photographing your garage or workshop, make sure to clean there too.
  • Depersonalize: You’ll want to ensure buyers can picture themselves living in the home, and they can’t do that with your personal belongings in every picture. Take a few minutes to stash away things like family photos, refrigerator magnets, toys, and pet accessories.
  • Downplay seasonal elements: Consider minimizing any holiday decorations or seasonal elements so that the photos are timeless.
  • Stage each room: Go room by room with a critical eye, making small tweaks that can make a big difference: Open the blinds, turn on the lights, and add small touches that make the space feel welcoming.
  • Remove window screens: Natural light is a big seller, and window screens dim natural light and make windows look dingy in photos. Consider removing your window screens before photos are taken, especially if you plan to capture high-value views.
  • Add color: Make your photos stand out with splashes of color, like fresh flowers, a plush throw pillow, or a cozy blanket.

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